
QA Interview Questions

Hello Guys !! Here are few interview questions for QA having 6 to 8 Years of experience in Test Automation as well as manual . Java Questions: 1. What is static block? 2. What is the precondition for static block to get executed? 3. What is composition in Java? 4. Why are fields declared in interface are static and final? 5. What's new in Java 8? 6. Describe your framework? POM in specific. 7. What is POJO? 8. Can we overload , override static methods? 9. Write code to get and update data in excel. 10. What is the difference between HashMap and HashSet? 11. What is the difference between HashMap and HashTable? 12. Code to connect database Sql Server or any other? 13 Difference between Comparator and Comparable? C#: 1. What are delegates? 2. Difference between Interface and Abstract class 3. Static block in C# 4. What are partial classes? Coded UI: 1. What is TestContext? 2. Searching mechanism of Coded UI Manual Testing questions: 1. Suppose you